Explore the craft of writing.
Learn how to use Chat GPT for copywriting.
Practice the principles of good editing.
Collaborate and create a Character or Commercial Demo tailored to your strengths.
Deconstruct the basics of directing in your demo recording session.
4 one on one sessions scheduled at your convenience.
It's 500 up front or 50/mo for 12 payments (600). PayPal to fireflyworks@gmail.com or Venmo - Charles-Huber-6 for the 500 or sign up for 50/mo here - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QL4LZBNBVPKG2
Email Chuck at fireflyworks@gmail.com for more information.
ADD ON - Live Source Connect session with a Crunchy-roll engineer, sound design and mixing. $600